Random acts of rangoliThere are more ways to spread cheer than spending money on gifts
Joseph K Jose
Last Updated IST
<div class="paragraphs"><p>There are wonderful ways to spread positivity and make someone’s day brighter.</p></div>

There are wonderful ways to spread positivity and make someone’s day brighter.

Credit: iStock Photo

We can spread kindness through so many random acts, big or small, to make someone’s day. There are wonderful ways to spread positivity and make someone’s day brighter, but not all involve spending money. Leaving a kind note for a stranger, even just offering a smile and a few kind words, holding the door for someone, picking up trash you see on the ground, donating blood—they all have the power to create a ripple effect of happiness and goodwill in the world.


Festivities during this time at our home start with building the Christmas tree on the first Sunday of December and putting up the star and crib.

Every evening, “Alexa” plays some of the traditional carols, and we have an open house. Friends and neighbours know that our home is open for cake and wine throughout the month and drop by to wish us and partake in the revelry.

Not just homes; the entire city is lit up with lights, and shopping malls go the extra mile to ensure that they have the perfect Instagrammable decoration on their premises, coupled with amazing year-end discounts and lip-smacking foods.

It is a tradition in our family that after the Holy Mass on Christmas day, we go crib-hop and land up at the club for a sumptuous family lunch. A crib in the Christian tradition is a nativity scene, also known as a manger scene, which is a special exhibition of art objects representing the birth of Jesus.

Typically, all churches will make an elaborate themed crib (particularly on the concept of using recycled materials) and decorate with the choicest of decorations and lights. It’s a delight to see these cribs and their makers creativity. We import specially made date and carrot cake from a particular famous bakery in Kerala and gift it to our friends. The number of cakes seems to be increasing by the year, but we have no complaints!

On Christmas day, my sister was pleasantly surprised when she opened the door of her home in the morning. There was a lovely rangoli of Santa and a beautiful Christmas message done intricately and meticulously at her door by her neighbours. The best part was that they were non-Christian friends, and they chose to make a thoughtful gesture to their Christian neighbour who was celebrating the festival.

The world needs more of these kinds of tolerance, understanding, peace, love, happiness, and RAKs.

So go out there and spread some kindness today!

(Published 29 December 2023, 02:05 IST)