Sai Baba on the mission of Jesus
Last Updated IST

There is a common theme in the stories of great masters, spiritual leaders, and saints. At some point in their lives, they turn their backs on the worldly life. They walk away from the mundane to demonstrate the power of the Divine within themselves. Eventually, these spiritual revolutionaries become our guides and gurus through the challenging labyrinth of life.

But frequently, because they step outside of the box of convention, they are defamed.
According to Sri Sathya Sai Baba, “As the name and fame of Jesus spread, opposition to him developed among a section of Jews.”

Later that opposition grew beyond his homeland and he was viewed as a dangerous radical by many.  Nevertheless, multitudes began to follow his teachings and the world welcomed a Saving Light. “After his father’s death, young Jesus considered it his duty to help his mother and revere her as Divine,”  Puttaparthi Swami taught. He said, “Jesus preached the primary obligation of everyone is to show one’s gratitude to the parents.

Jesus came with his mother to Jerusalem when he was 11 years old. His mother was worried about the activities of Jesus.” With a mother’s foresight, Mary wanted to protect her son. She knew that his thoughts, words and deeds were not those of an ordinary young man. Our Beloved Baba explained, “Jesus was critical of the ways of the Jews in the temple in Jerusalem. He came out against the harmful practices in the temple and preached the omnipresence of God in all living beings. He exhorted the people not to cause harm to anyone.”

That an uneducated son of a carpenter would speak with such authority on matters going on in the temple infuriated many elders. Yet the words he spoke were also what so many others would have liked to have said themselves. But they feared what they would reap from the “Big People” who ran and controlled their lives. “Little people” had no say. Jesus became a spokesperson for the poor, the oppressed, the sick and the suffering.  
“What he preached was in accord with the basic teachings of all religions,” Sathya Sai said. “He engaged himself in a mission of mercy to the sick and the poor. He offered food to the hungry. Seeing his acts of love and kindness, people declared he was a Messenger of God.” In his short 33 years on earth, Jesus changed from a kind-hearted, responsible son to someone who recognised the God within himself. Sathya Sai often spoke about this gradual awakening. He pointed out, “Jesus constantly referred to God as the father. Later he declared: I and my father are one. Jesus dedicated his life to the propagation of faith in one God who is common to all mankind. Men today celebrate the birthdays of great holy men but they do not follow the teachings of those masters. There is nothing great about the celebration of birthdays. People must resolve to uphold their ideals and act up to their teachings.”

(Published 09 March 2015, 07:25 IST)