Storehouses of noble thoughts
Last Updated IST
In ancient times, seers and wisemen conceived of myriad gods and goddesses and described their various deeds and exploits in order to inculcate faith and devotion among men. The Puranas constitute the major portion of such religious literature. What is notable here is the reiteration of timeless truths that, despite the passage of thousands of years and a total change in the lives of men, still remain relevant as sources of practical wisdom, as signposts on the road to ennobling lives.

The Markandeya Purana speaks of the blessedness that comes with divine grace. “They, to whom you become gracious – they are honoured by men, they attain name and fame, their family is blessed and no one comes to grief. Man remembers you only when in trouble, yet you safeguard him. When he remembers you at other times, you shower him with prosperity. Your compassion is our support.”

The Brahmapurana drives home with a telling example the fate of men who continue to be in the grip of eternal birth and death.

“Like a pitcher tied by a rope to a pulley going up and down continuously, so is man’s life inextricably tied to the rope of his actions. Only by your grace can he disentangle himself from this knot. But alas, in his avarice and ignorance, man goes deeper into this bottomless pit. Finally, overcome by his troubles and sorrows, he resorts to your feet. Of what use is high birth, learning, character or life to one who does not have devotion to you, the father of this universe,” says this text.

Emphasising that a mind directed towards spiritual thoughts gradually gets unburdened of distracting and sinful urges, the Padmapurana says, “Just as the minds of young damsels are drawn towards members of the opposite gender and vice versa, may my mind delight in you and thus, may uplifting thoughts fill my entire being.”

Science today speaks of countless galaxies in the vastness of space, their orbital paths controlled by their gravitational forces. In its own way, the Kurmapurana says, “This cluster of universes is being wheeled around by your mystic power. You, the sole Lord of all, are our refuge.”

(Published 15 April 2016, 09:32 IST)