The cosmic perspectiveOur explorations of the space outside of us broadens the scope and power of what we have inside of us. Each one of us is precious as in a hundred billion galaxies, we will not find another.
Aditi Pant
Last Updated IST
<div class="paragraphs"><p>Oasis logo.</p></div>

Oasis logo.

Credit: DH Illustration

During the winter break we visited a space center and one of the highlights was the deepest and sharpest infrared image of the distant universe with thousands of galaxies – including the faintest objects ever observed. We saw our planet as a tiny tiny grain of sand, almost invisible in the vastness of space and immensity of time. 


Paradoxical emotions ran through us as we saw this rousing cinematic experience which gave us several potent glimpses of the expansive universe. 

On one hand, the vastness of the universe underscored how tiny Earth really is and humbled us as we mere humans were set against the immensity of the cosmos. At that moment we realized that we tend to take ourselves too seriously. Looking at ourselves and our petty concerns through the cosmic expanse of the universe was a reminder that self-importance is not only pointless, it undermines everything we do. It’s best then to let our mind wander in simplicity, blend our spirit with the vastness, follow along with things the way they are, and observe the greatness of the universe till our self importance is mitigated. Taking ourselves too seriously is like trying to wield control upon things that cannot be controlled.  Instead, accepting ourselves at our most fundamental, an evolving human playing out an unfinished story opens up space for learning, for understanding, and for change.

On the other hand, at the same moment we also realized that, despite the unfathomable expanse of the universe, the only planet known to have life so far, is Earth, which makes us, its inhabitants special.

Our explorations of the space outside of us broadens the scope and power of what we have inside of us. Each one of us is precious as in a hundred billion galaxies, we will not find another. 

And such is the paradox of the universe;  on a cosmic scale, we might not be important, yet in the brief period when we are on this planet our life and what we do with it becomes significant. We might be just cosmic travelers in the whirlpool of eternity, but for this precious moment we are alive on this beautiful planet. The universe is full of many wonders; we are one of them. Let us make it count.

(Published 11 January 2024, 01:04 IST)