We are what we believeOasis
Brahmakumar Nikunj
Last Updated IST
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Credit: iStock Photo

There is no human being, however remote from civilised society, who has absolutely no beliefs. These are basic to life and whether lettered or unlettered, everyone has some values in life. Even a caveman has some values, but there is no value which is not derived from some belief knowingly or unknowingly. So, we should be clear in our mind what we mean when we talk of a particular value.

In other words, we should be aware of the particular ‘belief system’ that is in the background of that value. For example, when Mahatma Gandhi, the apostle of Ahimsa talked of non-violence, he included Brahmacharya also in his concept of Ahimsa. He said that a person, who aspires Ahimsa as a value in his life, must follow celibacy. So, his understanding of the value of non-violence was different from what many others professing the observance of these values would say because his beliefs, doctrines and ideals differed from those of others.

Similarly, if we were to ascertain what ‘tolerance’ as a value meant to different communities, we would have to know their religious beliefs.


In some religions, the concept or definition of tolerance does not include tolerance to the condemnation of, or even adverse comment on their sacred book or a derogatory remark about a revered person in the history of their religion. In such matters, they feel that they are under attack and hence they feel highly provoked and throw tolerance to the winds. So, tolerance, as a value, has a very limited scope in their value-system because they think that their beliefs are such.

The above-mentioned examples should make it clear that everyone does not hold the same value systems and do not imply the same virtue because their belief systems are different. So, if we now wish to transform the world and have moral values in all sections of society, we will have to work to educate people to have the right beliefs. Because, without transforming the beliefs, you cannot have a changed value system and, without the latter, you cannot have a better world.

(Published 24 August 2020, 22:58 IST)