How blue-tiful! NASA shares picture of ‘5 million years young star cluster’NASA also explained that the hottest of stars are blue or blue-white and the cooler ones are red or red-brown
DH Web Desk
Last Updated IST
Credit: Instagram Photo/@nasa
Credit: Instagram Photo/@nasa

About 200 thousand light-years away, near the outskirts of the Small Magellanic Cloud, a five million years young star cluster dazzles with bright, blue, newly formed stars.

"Inside the star cluster, bright, blue, newly formed stars are blowing a cavity in this nebula, sculpting the inner edge of its outer portions, slowly eroding it away and eating into the material beyond," NASA wrote sharing a picture of the cluster on its Instagram handle,

"Star formation started at the centre of the cluster and propagated outward, with the youngest stars still forming today along the dust ridges," it added.


The post has garnered over a million likes with netizens appreciating the 'beautiful cosmos'.

'Galaxy is so wonderful' a user commented on the photo.

NASA also explained that the hottest of stars are blue or blue-white and the cooler ones are red or red-brown.

"The colour of a star is directly linked to its surface temperature. The hotter the star, the shorter the wavelength of light it will emit," it said.

(Published 17 January 2021, 16:00 IST)