In the darkness, I hear wails...A selection of verses from Open Sesame readers on the theme 'spooky adventures'
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Representative Image. Credit: Pixabay
Representative Image. Credit: Pixabay
Pragathi R Kamath
Sudhakar R J
Rahul Jai Anand

Doors of death

When you have a brush with death,

Thou be ready to take your final breath.


When you open the door,

Bones lie scattered on the floor.

Bodies all over the places,

Their pale, ghostly, white faces.

Glass shattered windows down the hall,

A glance of the deadliest cliff fall.

From here there’s no going back,

Your footsteps stuck in their bloody tracks.

Be happy you’ve reached the end of your stay,

Now you’re free to walk away.

Pragathi R Kamath, 11

Bengaluru, Karnataka


My spooky encounter

In the darkness I hear the wails

The fear penetrates me, as sharp
as a nail

Through the mist I see it’s face

Snarling, growling in a rage

It dawns on me what it is

The one being that I most fear

The one that brings me to tears

The one I thought I would never meet

It has come for me…
My English homework

Rahul Jai Anand, 11




Spooky shenanigans

In a haunted house, a boy did roam,

With creaky floors and walls that groan.

Ghosts played hide-and-seek, oh what a sight,

He laughed and trembled in the pale moonlight.

A ghostly cat with eyes so wide,

Startled him being gaudy eyed.

Skeletons danced in the attic’s gloom,

He tiptoed past the “Haunted Room”.

Whispers echoed through the eerie halls,

As a friendly ghost peeked from ancient walls.

With goosebumps and giggles, he dared to stay,

Till morning chased the spooks away.

Sudhakar R J, 14

Bengaluru, Karnataka

(Published 04 August 2023, 20:21 IST)