Open letter to Vladimir PutinOpen Sesame readers share what they would say to the President of Russia, if they got a chance to meet him
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Russian President Vladimir Putin. Credit: AFP Photo
Russian President Vladimir Putin. Credit: AFP Photo
Tejashwini D Koti. Credit: Special arrangement
Akshith Bothala. Credit: Special arrangement
Samaria San. Credit: Special arrangement

Dear President Putin,

Today in this modern world we are aiming for peace and harmony. As a world peace seeker I was very shocked when I heard the news about the war you launched on Ukraine. I am deeply saddened after seeing the pain, suffering, damage and death of the innocent people affected by war and their relatives who are mourning across the globe. My country also lost a future Doctor, Naveen Gyanagaudar, in this war.

So I’m humbly requesting you to think of your decision. Please step out, sit in a calm area and ask your inner mind ‘Why am I doing all this?’. What are you gaining from all of this? Is war the right use for hard earned public money?What would you have done if you were in Zelensky’s position?


As our prime minister rightly said, “Today’s era is not an era for war.” So, please think again about this war. You could be famous in this world for the good work you do, like Mahatma Gandhi, Nelson Mandela, Mother Teresa, etc. I beg you to stop the war for world’s peace and harmony.

Yours faithfully,

Tejashwini D. Koti, 12

Dharwad, Karnnataka


Dear Putin,

As you’ve just celebrated your birthday this month, I would like to wish you a belated happy birthday. I wish you abundant health and happiness.

Today, you’re one of the most well-known world leaders. You’re among one of the most googled names on the Internet right now. Unfortunately, you’re trending for all the wrong reasons. Mainly for the war Russia has launched at Ukraine, under your administration.

I would request you to please stop the currently ongoing war. This is not only causing turmoil in Ukraine but in your own country and the rest of the world. Russia should be a country that walks in the footsteps of Gandhi, following peace. Why would you want to be compared to Adolf Hitler, Joseph Stalin or Kim Jong-un, is that the legacy you would like to leave behind?

I hope in the future you change your mind, and are known for world peace rather than war. Hope you make the right decisions for your country and set the right example for children who look up to you in Russia.

Yours respectfully,

Samaria San, 12

Bengaluru, Karnataka


President Putin,

My name is Akshith. I live in Bangalore am studying at CMR National Public School. I would like to pen down this humble humane request and hope to meet you personally to discuss and cease the Russia-Ukraine war for the betterment of larger humanity and avoid its long-term catastrophic negative impact (food crisis, global recession, loss of human lives…).

Historically and traditionally, India and Russia share a cordial cultural & political relationship that stands the test of time. The world as we speak is slowly and steadily coming out of the gloomy COVID pandemic phase and a potential global recession, a war of this scale, in our neighborhood would spell multifold disaster.

I and many like me in our peaceful world, support Gandhian ideology, to have a peaceful resolution to this long-running conflict where both sides have had large-scale casualties. I, on behalf of the student community, who are the future, wholeheartedly request you to initiate or let third-neutral countries mediate peace talks to help cease this war at the earliest.

I am very hopeful and firmly believe that a person of your stature and immense experience, a caring and tall global leader like you, will certainly look at a peaceful resolution to this conflict that brings relief to the larger world population.


Akshith Bothala, 15

Bengaluru, Karnataka

(Published 22 October 2022, 10:59 IST)