Today's Horoscope - July 11, 2021: Check horoscope for all sun signs
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Today's Horoscope - July 11, 2021
Today's Horoscope - July 11, 2021
Aries | You are feeling communicative today. A good day to travel, write letters and catch up with a friend you have neglected. A friend may turn against you, so watch your words and be sure to return favours | Lucky Colour: Mustard | Lucky Number: 3 | Credit: Pixabay
Taurus | Your communication skills are in excellent form today but slow down on your spending spree, as money is still budgetary. A romantic partner can be demanding and aggressive | Lucky Colour: Mauve | Lucky Number: 9 | Credit: Pixabay
Gemini | Be careful not to overreact to a real or imagined slight. A partner or intimate may insist on doing their thing today. Be more objective rather than emotional when dealing with colleagues today | Lucky Colour: Jade | Lucky Number: 7 | Credit: Pixabay
Cancer | Deep feelings emerge. Problems with communication will clear up. A good time for investments and savings plans. Romance takes a backseat today | Lucky Colour: Brown | Lucky Number: 6 | Credit: Pixabay
Leo | A younger sibling can be of great support. A romantic mood persists, and an elusive one may fall in line. Identify guilt that might also be holding you back from seeking out happiness | Lucky Colour: Lemon-yellow | Lucky Number: 8 | Credit: Pixabay
Virgo | Confusion, miscommunication between yourself and others is possible today. The moon makes you feel sensitive and alienated. This is a time for facing fears of making changes or of making mistakes | Lucky Colour: Indigo | Lucky Number: 5 | Credit: Pixabay
Libra | A friend may be too demanding. It is in your best interests to put your cards on the table. Prepare for endings or separations with people from the past | Lucky Colour: Blue | Lucky Number: 2 | Credit: Pixabay
Scorpio | Your creativity is good but you need to look for more practical solutions today. You are too trusting, and feel the sharp edge of a friend’s cloak-and-dagger approach | Lucky Colour: Apple-red | Lucky Number: 4 | Credit: Pixabay
Sagittarius | Put feelings aside and meet your targets for today. Barring minor frustrations, today could be productive .It’s time to break away from the tried and tested and try something new, out of your comfort zone | Lucky Colour: Grey | Lucky Number: 3 | Credit: Pixabay
Capricorn | Your hard work will pay dividends and your meticulous planning will help you reach a goal. Overspending on luxurious items needs to be curbed as finances may be low | Lucky Colour: Magenta | Lucky Number: 1 | Credit: Pixabay
Aquarius | Jupiter continues its benefic influence on you. Don’t fritter away your money and energy on undeserving people and projects. Frictions and little squabbles mar your otherwise happy domestic environment | Lucky Colour: Mango | Lucky Number: 7 | Credit: Pixabay
Pisces | A detractor in the guise of friend is damaging your reputation. Much may happen in the career front today. Obstacles emerge that you didn't expect and things turn around corners you didn't see | Lucky Colour: Emerald | Lucky Number: 8 | Credit: Pixabay