'Czechs will be under pressure'Skipper Amritraj believes favourites' tag could put visitors on the back foot
Pragya Tiwari
Last Updated IST
Indonesia has faced one of the worst Covid-19 outbreaks in Asia, recording more than 4 million cases and over 138,000 fatalities
Indonesia has faced one of the worst Covid-19 outbreaks in Asia, recording more than 4 million cases and over 138,000 fatalities
As India gear up to meet the daunting task of playing the Czech Republic in the Davis Cup World Group play-off from Friday, their non-playing captain Anand Amritraj asserted it was the visitors who would be feeling the pressure, being the favourite in the September 18-20 tie.

The three-time champions are the top seeds and have never lost to India in their three meetings.

“In this particular tie, the pressure is all on them. They are the favourite team, they have to win. It was like when we went to New Zealand and on the second day I was in a highly depressed state, because I knew what would happen if we lost to a team that nobody has heard of,” Amritraj told reporters on Tuesday.

“Thank god Yuki and Somdev came through on the last day or else my head would have been on the block!”

With both Leander Paes and Rohan Bopanna making an impact on the international circuit, India are expected to hold an advantage in the doubles tie. Contrary to expectations, Bopanna insisted India had a good shot at the World Group. “We have done it in the past against Brazil in similar conditions. I don’t see why we can’t do it again. I feel we have a great shot of getting into the World Group,” he said.

Somdev Devvarman also felt India were gradually becoming a better team. “I think our team is getting strong, especially with the way Rohan is playing doubles right now. He is one of the leaders of our team alongwith Leander. Everyone has always said that Yuki has the talent and now he is really stepping up and doing some really big things on the ATP, consistently coming up with results in Challengers. Even I am getting better. Who knows, hopefully we are able to win this tie,” he said.

“We are aware of our opponents. We will do our homework try and see what their strengths and weaknesses are and how we can match them with our strengths and weaknesses. We are doing our best to get our games to the right level at the moment.”

Yuki hitting it right
The form of singles player Yuki Bhambri has boosted the Indian challenge at home. The Delhi boy, back from winning a Challenger at Shanghai, would like to carry his momentum into the tie.

“I have been trying different things. I have managed to have a better schedule, taken breaks, cut down on doubles which was getting difficult. I have been consistently competing and that has been the key,” Yuki said.

Meanwhile doubles icon Leander Paes would arrive on Wednesday morning, Amritraj informed. He also empathised with Saketh Myneni who had been partnering with Bopanna in the absence of Paes.

Amritraj, however, said: “Our team is little bit stronger when Leander and Rohan are playing in doubles. Saketh is good but he doesn't have that experience. Also he doesn’t have the scare factor that Leander and Rohan will have.”

The Czech captain Jaroslav Navratil called the tie against India “good draw” for his side. “I am certain our players will do well and we will manage to get back in to the World Group easily,” he said. “India’s strong point is their doubles but then that’s just one match.”

(Published 16 September 2015, 00:58 IST)