Indian-origin Labour candidate flays Brown
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Manish Sood, 38, who is the Labour candidate in North-west Norfolk, came down heavily on Brown on several fronts, including immigration, in comments made to a local newspaper.

He insisted that his comments that Brown's policies were a "total disaster" reflected the opinion of many within the party, but the Labour denied this and called him a "dreadful candidate".

"The loss of social values is the basic problem and this is not what the Labour Party is about. I believe Gordon Brown has been the worst Prime Minister we have had in this country. It is a disgrace and he owes an apology to the people and the Queen," he said.

He said: "Immigration has gone up which is creating friction within communities. The country is getting bigger and messier. The role of ministers has gone bureaucratic and the action of ministers has gone downhill – it is corrupt".

Standing by comments, Sood said: "Obviously this is a very serious matter because at the end of the day we have a Prime Minister standing so close to the general election and things are going totally wrong. It's a real disaster for the cities, the country and the nation."

"Look at the policies that he's got - increasing National Insurance contributions very, very close to the General Election. Petrol prices are going up very, very close to the General Election. An increase in tax on employment income - very, very close to the General Election. All the policies he's bringing in are a total disaster."

Sood is the son of Manjula Sood, who was Britain's first Asian-origin Lord Mayor in Leicester. The family has strong ties with the Labour party.

Sood, who is currently a councillor, said he had promised voters to "get back to basics" and "clean up the system" if chosen to represent the area.

"We have to get back to basics where people can leave their money outside for the milkman without it being stolen," he said.

He added that immigration had caused "overcrowding" in Britain and the increase in people claiming benefits.

Sood, who said before the election that his seat was unwinnable for Labour, said he wanted Britain to return to how it was in the 1970s, and promised to control religious education and institutions, regenerate farming and industry and give more powers to the police and teachers.

"We need to clean the whole party up A to Z, and it's as simple as that. Once we do that, things will get better. We really have to come down hard on the Labour Party, on the Labour government; and the Prime Minister really does need to wake up and see that this is a problem."

He also believes the Queen should have more respect and say in government decisions as well as bringing back the death penalty.

Sood, however, praised Brown for lowering the interest rates for mortgage owners.
Leader of West Norfolk Council's Labour group, Councillor Andy Tyler, said: "I disagree completely. I think Gordon Brown is the best, most experienced and most capable of all three main candidates.

Meanwhile, the ruling party has distanced itself from Sood's remarks. His mother Manjula Sood, a Labour councillor in Leicester and former Lord Mayor of the city also criticised him.

"I disapprove of what he said. Look at the improvement in the National Health Service and the minimum wage. My son holds his own views but I'm very angry about this and very angry with him. I'm campaigning every night and I'm very proud of that," she said.

David Colls, chairman of North West Norfolk constituency Labour Party dismissed him as a "dreadful candidate" and distanced the party from his "bizarre" comments.
Labour party sources said the CLP had considered deselecting Sood on several occasions in the past but had decided it "wasn't worth the effort", given the large Tory majority.

(Published 04 May 2010, 19:22 IST)