Kohli proud of unity in teamObjective is to play consistent cricket throughout: Skipper
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Kohli once again reiterated how the 2015 series was a watershed moment for the current team.PTI File Photo
Kohli once again reiterated how the 2015 series was a watershed moment for the current team.PTI File Photo
From India’s previous visit here in 2015 to their current tour of the island nation, there have been substantial changes. Having embarked upon his first full-fledged overseas tour with a team that dreamed of conquering the world a couple of years ago, Virat Kohli returns to the venue as the captain of the No 1 Test side.

The Indian skipper recalls the setting two years ago, the progress the team has made and the gains beyond the wins. Excerpts.    

On this series as a launchpad for the next 18 months:  It’s pretty different sitting here two years after that particular series because that particular series was very important in us coming together as a team in believing that we can win series and not just matches. So that was the beginning of that mindset and we were able to build on that on that mindset in the last couple of years, training a certain way, thinking about the game a certain way, playing together as a team a certain way, I think we have built a really good base for us as a team to be able to do that consistently over the next few years. We don’t see any series as a launchpad for anything, it is about consistent cricket wherever we play and try to string in those performances because of which we are at the top of the rankings right now.

On things that are most satisfying beyond the results: Just to see the responsibility taken by such a young bunch of players; to go out there and make a difference for the team. Also, whoever steps into the dressing room, immediately feel comfortable because of the way they are embraced and how people are taking responsibility to maintain that culture. The bond within the team is outstanding and that is something that makes me really proud that we are all really close to each other and really enjoy playing alongside each other.

On tackling Rangana Herath:  You know, he’s a quality bowler. Last time he really dented us in that small chase (in the first Test). It’s something that actually was a great eye opener for us. We worked on those things in the next two games and we were able to win the series. He played both the games and the ball was still doing a bit. I think our batsmen came up with the goods and they had the counter plans in place. So we understand what he brings to the table and understand what needs to be done.
(Published 25 July 2017, 17:13 IST)