LinkedIn to bring Clubhouse-like audio chatroom feature
DH Web Desk
Last Updated IST
LinkedIn app. Picture Credit: Pixabay
LinkedIn app. Picture Credit: Pixabay

Popular business and employment network platform LinkedIn has announced to bring Clubhouse-like audio chatroom feature soon.

Microsoft-owned company has already begun testing the drop-in chatroom to explore ways to help creators on LinkedIn engage with their audience in more ways as possible in addition to video and posts.

"We’re seeing nearly 50% growth in conversations on LinkedIn reflected in stories, video shares, and posts on the platform. We’re doing some early tests to create a unique audio experience connected to your professional identity. And, we’re looking at how we can bring audio to other parts of LinkedIn such as events and groups, to give our members even more ways to connect to their community,” Suzi Owens, a spokesperson for LinkedIn said to Techcrunch.

The news comes days after Slack announced to offer a similar audio-room feature on its platform.


With recent announcements, except for Google, all big major technology companies have Facebook, Twitter, Telegram, Instagram and others have announced to offer audio chatroom that will compete with the Clubhouse. However, the latter is still dragging its feet to launch the Android version.

Clubhouse has already gained a formidable foothold in the iOS platform with more than 12 million downloads. But, the iOS platform has a little over 27 per cent of the 3.8 billion active smartphones, while the Android has 70 per cent share.

So, it is imperative for the Clubhouse to enter Google Play Store as early as possible or people lose interest in the chatroom feature if they have experienced it first on apps such as Instagram, and Twitter.

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(Published 31 March 2021, 16:55 IST)