Dubai's Sheikh Mohammed rejects UK court's hacking findings
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Prime Minister and Vice-President of the United Arab Emirates and ruler of Dubai Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid al-Maktoum. Credit: Reuters Photo
Prime Minister and Vice-President of the United Arab Emirates and ruler of Dubai Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid al-Maktoum. Credit: Reuters Photo

Dubai's Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid al-Maktoum on Wednesday rejected the findings by a British court that he had hacked the phones of his ex-wife and her lawyers, saying the rulings were unfair and based on an incomplete picture.

"I have always denied the allegations made against me and I continue to do so. These matters concern supposed operations of State security," Mohammed said in a statement.

"Neither the Emirate of Dubai nor the UAE are parties to these proceedings and they did not participate in the hearing. The findings are therefore inevitably based on an incomplete picture.


"In addition, the findings were based on evidence that was not disclosed to me or my advisers. I, therefore, maintain that they were made in a manner which was unfair."

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(Published 06 October 2021, 21:49 IST)