EU extends human rights sanctions, including on Chinese officialsThe renewal of the asset freezes and travel bans will be formally approved by EU ministers in Brussels on Dec. 6-7, the diplomats said
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European Union flags flutter outside the EU Commission headquarters in Brussels, Belgium. Credit: Reuters File Photo
European Union flags flutter outside the EU Commission headquarters in Brussels, Belgium. Credit: Reuters File Photo

European Union ambassadors approved on Wednesday the first renewal of the bloc's new global human rights sanctions, including those on four Chinese officials and one Chinese entity, two diplomats said.

Others on the list, which was created in December 2020 to combat serious rights abuses around the world, include Russian, Libyan, South Sudanese and North Korean individuals.

The renewal of the asset freezes and travel bans will be formally approved by EU ministers in Brussels on Dec. 6-7, the diplomats said.


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(Published 24 November 2021, 19:37 IST)