News in Pics, January 24: Best photos from around the world
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The Omicron variant has moved the Covid-19 pandemic into a new phase and could bring it to an end in Europe, the WHO Europe director said Sunday. Credit: AFP Photo
The Omicron variant has moved the Covid-19 pandemic into a new phase and could bring it to an end in Europe, the WHO Europe director said Sunday. Credit: AFP Photo
The first Taliban delegation to visit Europe since returning to power in Afghanistan began their three-day visit on January 23, 2022 with talks with Afghan civil society members focused on human rights and with women activists. On January 24, 2022, the Taliban will meet representatives from the United States, France, Britain, Germany, Italy and the European Union, while January 25, 2022 it will be dedicated to bilateral talks with Norwegian officials. Credit: AFP Photo
People from China's Uyghur Muslim ethnic group protest outside the city's Turkish Olympic Committee building, calling for a boycott of next month's Winter Olympics in Beijing over China's treatment of the minority, in Istanbul, Turkey. Credit: Reuters Photo
Demonstrators participate in a “Defeat the Mandates” march in Washington, DC. Credit: AFP Photo
The US navy said today it had stopped a ship carrying 40 tons of a fertiliser that can be used to make explosives as it travelled from Iran along a route previously used to smuggle weapons to Yemen's Huthi rebels. The navy said it boarded and searched the ship, which last year was caught carrying thousands of weapons and handed to Yemen's coast guard, after intercepting it in international waters in the Gulf of Oman on January 18. Credit: AFP Photo
Dressed in colorful costumes and masks, Guatemalan indigenous went into the streets this Sunday in a municipality in northern Guatemala to perform to the sound of music the Rabinal Achí, a dance theater with pre-Hispanic Mayan roots declared a World Heritage Site. Credit: AFP Photo
Members of Tonga's Red Cross society engage in relief works, in Kanokupolu, Tonga. Credit: Reuters Photo
(Published 24 January 2022, 07:53 IST)