Tokyo confirms first case of Omicron in US arrivalThe total count of Omicron cases in Japan stood at 34, according to the country's health ministry
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Arrivals at the Tokyo Airport wait to get tested. Credit: AP/PTI Photo
Arrivals at the Tokyo Airport wait to get tested. Credit: AP/PTI Photo

Tokyo has confirmed its first case of the Omicron variant of the coronavirus in a traveller from the United States.

The infected individual's friend, whom she saw immediately after arrival, has since tested positive, after attending a football match.

Separately, the Health Ministry announced Thursday that one of its quarantine officials also tested positive for the Omicron variant. The new findings bring Japan's confirmed Omicron cases to 34.


Tokyo's Omicron patient tested negative for Covid-19 upon arrival at the airport on December 8 but developed a fever the next day during self-isolation at home and tested positive for the virus, the Health Ministry said in a statement. Her samples were further analysed and confirmed Thursday as the Omicron variant.

The man she met immediately after returning also developed a fever and other symptoms. He attended a soccer match with 10 people, including his family and colleagues, before testing positive. The ministry urged spectators who attended the packed Sunday soccer game in Kawasaki, near Tokyo, to get tested.

(Published 16 December 2021, 19:41 IST)