Preparing for professional entrance testsThese exams test students’ academic prowess and evaluate their ability to handle pressure and time management skills
Karunakar Kotegar
Last Updated IST
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The fight for seats in professional courses in India has been very competitive, with entrance exams playing a pivotal role. However, with increasing competition and limited seats, these exams have become a source of stress, anxiety and despair for many students.

Numbers show that the entrance exams for professional courses in India are highly competitive, with lakhs of students vying for a limited number of seats. To succeed, students need to have a strong foundation in their subjects, be well-prepared for the exam, and have a good strategy for time management and exam-taking.

Joint Entrance Examination (JEE), National Eligibility cum Entrance Test (NEET), Common Admission Test (CAT) and Graduate Aptitude Test in Engineering (GATE) are some popular entrance exams for admission to undergraduate, postgraduate and doctoral courses in various fields.


These exams test students’ academic prowess and evaluate their ability to handle pressure and time management skills.

The primary reason for the competitiveness of these entrance exams is the limited number of seats available in top-tier colleges and universities. Students unable to secure admission to these institutions have limited options, which can be a significant setback for their future career prospects.

The lack of quality education and opportunities in many parts of the country adds to the competitiveness. As a result, students from less privileged backgrounds have to work harder to compete with their more privileged counterparts.

Tips and strategies

Time management: This is crucial for success. Students should make a study schedule and stick to it. Allocate time for each subject and topic and study accordingly.

Self-discipline: These exams require discipline and dedication. Set realistic goals and work towards achieving them. Avoid distractions and focus on your studies.

Regular practice: This is essential for success in these exams. Solve as many practice questions and previous year’s papers as possible. This will help you understand the exam pattern and improve your problem-solving skills.

Seeking guidance from mentors: Mentors can provide guidance and advice to students. Students should seek the help of their teachers, coaching centres, or online tutors if they face difficulties in their studies.

Online study materials: These are easily accessible and can be an excellent resource for students. They can refer to online study materials for revision and practice questions, watch online videos and lectures to understand complex concepts.

Coaching centres: Coaching centres can provide a structured learning environment and help students prepare for the exams effectively. They can provide guidance, study materials, and mock tests to help students perform well in the exams.

Mock tests: Mock tests are an essential tool for exam preparation. Students should take mock tests regularly to assess their preparation level and identify areas of improvement. They should analyse their performance and work towards improving their weaknesses.

Stress and anxiety: Preparing for competitive exams can lead to high stress and anxiety among students. This can affect their performance and lead to burnout. Students should take regular breaks, practise mindfulness and engage in physical activities such as yoga or meditation.

Lack of motivation: Preparing for competitive exams requires hard work and dedication amid a lack of motivation sometimes. Set achievable goals, reward themselves for small successes, and remind yourself of long-term goals.

Health issues: Long hours of sitting and studying can lead to various health problems, such as back pain, eye strain and insomnia. Students should maintain a healthy lifestyle by eating a balanced diet, exercising regularly, and taking breaks frequently.

‘National Test Abhyas’ is a mobile application launched by the Ministry of Education to provide free online practice tests for students preparing for competitive exams like JEE Main, NEET and other engineering and medical entrance exams. Students can use this.

(The author is a professor in the Department of Data Science and Computer Applications, MIT, Manipal)

(Published 12 June 2023, 21:26 IST)