
Dress up your dining table

Last Updated : 04 September 2014, 15:37 IST
Last Updated : 04 September 2014, 15:37 IST

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Whether it’s changing vases, getting a new selection of fresh flowers, or finding interesting cutlery to showcase, if you follow certain tips for a beautiful table arrangement, it will add a whole new flavour to your feast, avows  Sharmila Chand .

Planning a dinner party? Well, you want to be the perfect host, don’t you? At any feast, the dinner table is the centrepiece; so, this time, make sure you treat it royally. Setting the dining table can be the most enjoyable part of planning a dinner party, as it not only brings out the creativity in you, but also makes your own personal style statement. 

Table top décor, while meant to look elegant and pretty, is an easy and inexpensive way to give your living space a quick makeover. Whether it’s changing vases, getting a new selection of fresh flowers, or finding interesting cutlery to showcase, if you follow certain tips for a beautiful table arrangement, it will add a whole new flavour to your feast. Here are some ideas that may help you set a stunning table for any occasion.

Linen & luxe

Start with your table linen. Even with a small budget, you can find beautiful table linens. Try to pick up pieces that have a little sheen for a luxurious feel. For instance,  champagne-coloured cotton velvet tablecloth and soft napkins create a pretty vintage look. If your table linen is thin like silk, then you must place a quilted cloth as a protective layer underneath it, to stop the tablecloth from sliding around. Also, ensure the able linen is of the perfect size; it must cover the table completely, and must be lengthy enough to hang a little at the edges.

Runner & cutlery

You dinner table must look a feast if it’s a feast you are serving on it. Nothing serves this purpose better than a table runner. It’s a great way to make your table look its elegant best. It also protects the table, as you can place warm serving dishes along the runner. And to protect your runner from hot dishes, you can put out trivets for warm dishes, interspersed with flowers and candle holders in between. Then, place either traditional copper tableware or contemporary glassware cutlery. 

Even the cutlery with a plain metallic finish will do. Anything to make the table look more appealing!

Drinks for centrepiece

Instead of the usual flower vase, you could place a classy-looking wine bottle with the drink you intend to serve, even if it is non-alcoholic. Then place upturned serving glasses all around it. If you want to add to the dramatic appeal of the table, you could go a step further and write guests’ names on pretty laces, beaded strings or ribbons, then slip them through key-ring bottle openers and place them on the table for self-service. It will create a lot of excitement while the guests grab a bottle, and raise their glasses to set the party in motion. 

Light up the table

If it’s a simple get-together with close friends, and you don’t want to show off too much but still keep your table interesting, place a row of votive candles along the table runner. Make sure you co-ordinate the colour of the candles with the colour of your table cloth and the runner. It looks simple, but very pretty. You could even consider placing the candles in vases filled with corn kernels or jelly beans, buttons, coffee beans, or even toffees. But bear in mind that this look is best for a casual get-together and not a formal or grand-scale party.

Candies for eye candy

If it’s your kid’s birthday party, then, you could place a large bowl full of chocolates and candies. Not only will it look fun and full of colour (at least until the kids wipe it clean), but will also keep the kids excited. If you are patient enough, you could try making lollipop bouquets and place them at side tables near the main dining table. Not only do they look pretty for your decor, but they can also be given away as thank-you-gifts to the kids at the end of the party. One thing is for sure: you will be the favourite parent among your kid’s friends!

Fruits for colour

Adorn your table with a pile of fresh fruits in a pretty bowl of water. Elderly guests in particular always seem to love fresh fruits; perhaps it indicates a healthy life, irrespective of whether you follow a good diet or not. Take two dozen apples and limes and float them in two different brass or copper vessels. You could even take a large clear-glass vase and fill it up with deep red apples, bright yellow lemons and fresh green limes. Place it as the centrepiece of your table and it will instantly grab attention. 

Coasters & napkin rings 

You can make your own coasters by cutting fabric in the shape you want. Place a coaster at each plate setting. Also, if you’re having a fancy party, you might want to place napkin rings as well. These days, you can even place an order for edible napkin rings! Now, this is something really unique, so try and get your head around stuff like this to make your dinner party a huge and memorable success. 

Published 04 September 2014, 15:37 IST

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