
Frank-Walter Steinmeier stresses need to protect religious tolerance

Last Updated : 23 March 2018, 19:07 IST
Last Updated : 23 March 2018, 19:07 IST

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Delivering a speech at Delhi University on Friday, German President Frank-Walter Steinmeier underlined the need for religious tolerance and defending the rights of minorities.

"We should continue to engage in rigorous but respectful debates, in political parties and with our political opponents," said Steinmeier. "We should defend the autonomy of women and the rights of minorities. We should stand up for religious tolerance – rather than excluding those we perceive as different. We are all entitled to our own opinions and our religious beliefs. That's why religious communities deserve special protection," the German President, who is currently on a tour of New Delhi, added.

Steinmeier visited Varanasi and Sarnath before arriving in New Delhi. He visited Jama Masjid in Delhi early on Friday.

Academic freedom

He called for strengthening universities, defending the freedom of research, and ensuring that the arts and sciences could continue flourishing freely – rather than restricting the space for debate and politicising these institutions for narrow advantages of some.

"When academic freedom is constrained by ideology, when students and researchers are threatened and harassed on the basis of their political beliefs, then soon democracy will dry out," said Steinmeier.

He also stressed on defending the free and critical press, and the freedom of speech – rather than discrediting uncomfortable truths as "fake news" and blurring the boundaries between facts and opinion.

"When reporters in many countries around the world refrain from reporting for fear of reprisals, when public debate is discouraged to the extent that criticism becomes dangerous, then it's time to speak up," said the German President.

Published 23 March 2018, 18:44 IST

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