

Last Updated : 28 May 2009, 19:41 IST
Last Updated : 28 May 2009, 19:41 IST

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I lay on the soft grass, gazing up at the beautiful pitch black night sky with gleaming stars scattered all over.

It was a serene sight and a wave of calmness drifted through me. "Look at those shimmering diamonds. Aren't they marvelous?" I remarked only to get a blunt reply from my ever practical sister Anvitha, "Diamonds! Where? Oh, you mean the stars! Why don't you say what you mean?" "You won't understand,"I told her fiercely, "Because you don't possess the power of imagination, Anvitha!"The anger in my speech had hurt her indeed. For a few minutes silence engulfed the place.

 I felt rather guilty about the outburst .On second thoughts, I realized how difficult it is for one, like imaginative me to cope with a sister who took everything the way it was. The world could be such a colourful place even in times of need through imagination and creativity.

My sister's calm voice broke my reverie. "Amulya," she said gently, "I'm sorry. I just can't see the world the way you do. Please forgive me…….. Can you help me?" Her speech was very eloquent and persuasive. I smiled and replied, "Yes."  "Now what is the technique, teacher?" she asked me almost mockingly. "There isn't any technique. When you imagine - you just imagine!" I said.

That wasn't the right way to explain I suppose, but words failed me.  The power of imagination had been quite a natural gift to me. As we lay on our backs gazing, Anvitha inquired, "What are you doing now?" "I am thinking" was my short and true reply as my mental machinery was spinning quite fast. "Look there,"I said pointing to the radiant moon, "tell me, what you think it is." "Why, it is the moon, of course!" my sister said prosaically. "Let me rephrase my question. What do you think it could be?" I asked her. She shut her eyes in deep thought.

 "Cheese!  A huge ball of cheese!" she exclaimed. "Miss Anvitha Sharma! Was it you who spoke just now?" I asked her in utter disbelief. Her face flushed with joy and she cried, "Thank you! Oh Amulya!" We went back home with happiness in the atmosphere. Small actions make big differences. Everyone noticed the change in the character and attitude of Anvitha.

 I was as proud as a peacock as I had taught her to imagine.

However she hadn't completely lost her old self either. One day she asked me, "Amulya, can you tell me how you can exercise your imaginative learning?" "All you need is a pen and some sheets of paper. Let your imagination loose and put it all down in ink. That way, you could develop writing as a hobby too." I replied.

This advice seemed to have influenced her a lot because now she is an amateur authoress. Many stories of hers have been published in various magazines and newspapers. It gives me great pleasure and a reason to be proud of my Anvitha.
My sister has finally found what lay within her (with my help, of course!).Anvitha however doesn't imagine the answers in exams like me!

Published 28 May 2009, 19:41 IST

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