
Police fire tear gas as new protests flare in Tehran

Last Updated : 14 June 2009, 11:39 IST
Last Updated : 14 June 2009, 11:39 IST

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Shouting "Death to the dictator!" angry supporters of defeated presidential candidate Mir Hossein Mousavi lobbed stones at policemen who fired back with tear gas to break up the demonstration.

The latest violence erupted on the prominent Vali Asr Street, also the scene of riotiong yesterday after Mousavi supporters took to the streets protesting at what they charge was a rigged election.

Policemen stormed into nearby shops and dragged out protestors who had taken shelter there, the correspondent said.

Tehran's deputy police chief Ahmad Reza Radan said the protestors were being "confronted firmly."

"Forces used tear gas in some areas to stop the unrest. The situation is under control," he said on state television.

The AFP correspondent reported a heavy police presence some of the riot hit areas, including interior ministry, which is near Vali Asr Street.

Published 14 June 2009, 11:39 IST

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