
Porn star agrees to be student's prom date

Last Updated : 21 March 2012, 15:42 IST
Last Updated : 21 March 2012, 15:42 IST

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Fed up with receiving rejections from his female classmates, a teenager in the US has asked a porn star to be his high school prom date.

Eighteen-year-old Mike Stone from Minnesota took to Twitter to ask porn stars if they would accompany him to the prom. After over 600 tweets, Mike has received a provisional "yes" from porn star Megan Piper, the Daily Mail reported Wednesday.

The 19-year-old's acceptance comes with one small condition - Mike has to pay her air fare for a round trip from Los Angeles to Oakdale, Minnesota.

The teenager does not have the money, but hopes to raise the $400 needed with the help of friends.

Published 21 March 2012, 15:42 IST

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