
This UP revenue clerk is crorepati

Last Updated : 08 November 2014, 03:05 IST
Last Updated : 08 November 2014, 03:05 IST

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An Uttar Pradesh revenue clerk has been found to have properties worth Rs 50 crore.

An investigation by the revenue department has reportedly found that the clerk, Shiv Kumar Goyal, who was also the patron of the association of ‘lekhpals’ in the state, has properties over Rs 50 crore in Muzaffarnagar and other places.

The officials suspect that more properties could be unearthed as the probe was continuing.
“Goyal may have huge fictitious properties.

It will be difficult to unearth all of them,” said an official of the Revenue Department in Muzaffarnagar.

Officials said Goyal, his son and daughter-in-law owned properties at over fifty places.

“We have record of at least 54 land properties bought by Goyal either in his name or in the names of his son and daughter-in-law in the past 12 years,” they said.

The land property included both agricultural and residential in villages and towns, the officials added.

Goyal, it was found, had bought over 20 hectares of land in Muzaffarnagar violating rules.

The officials also said the clerk had forged documents to get several government lands registered in his name at various places.

“Since he was a union leader not many had the courage to speak against him,” the officials said.

Goyal, who enjoyed the support of the fellow clerks, used to terrorise the senior officials and always used to have his way.

“We are collecting records of the properties. After that we will take action against him,” the officials said.

Published 08 November 2014, 03:05 IST

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