
Greatest little pleasure is sound sleep

Last Updated : 31 December 2009, 16:41 IST
Last Updated : 31 December 2009, 16:41 IST

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A poll of 3,000 Britons found that going to bed after a stressful day and waking up the next morning feeling completely refreshed is the greatest pleasure of a person’s life.

According to the study, finding a tenner (a 10 pound note) in the pocket is the second greatest pleasure, followed by cuddling up to a loved-one in bed.

“You can’t beat the feeling of getting into bed after a long, hard day,” said Rob Stacey, spokesman for Batchelors Cup-a-Soup, the market leader in dried soups in UK, which carried out the poll.

“And that feeling gets even better when you wake up feeling great and back to your normal self the following morning.

“We don’t always need something major to happen to brighten up our day — sometimes the little things have just as much of an effect.

“Often the little gestures such as a quick cuddle or a compliment can really help to cheer someone up if they are having a bad day, and can even be more welcome than splashing out on expensive presents.”

Getting into a bed with freshly-washed sheets was voted into sixth place in the list of life’s greatest pleasures, followed by finding a bargain in the shops, The Telegraph reported.

Making someone smile was at number eight, while catching up with an old friend was ninth and laughing at past memories came tenth in the survey.

To visit your home and have a Sunday dinner prepared by your mother, someone saying you look nice and curling up with a good book and a hot drink are the next three greatest pleasures, according to the survey.

Getting a surprise breakfast in bed came fifteenth, followed by waking up thinking it’s a work day and realising it’s the weekend.A stranger smiling at you in the street, looking through old photo albums, eating a takeaway and having fun in the first snowfall of the year comprise the top 20 things a person wants to feel always.

Other little pleasures to feature in the poll included the sound of a baby laughing, fitting into a pair old of jeans after losing some weight and watching a live band. Cup-a-Soup spokesman Rob Stacey said: “People have been telling us what brightens up their day, and its often the smaller things that can make a big difference.

Published 31 December 2009, 16:41 IST

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