
India committed to signing FTA with EU

Last Updated : 28 March 2010, 16:12 IST
Last Updated : 28 March 2010, 16:12 IST

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“We are working on it. As far as we are concerned, we have a commitment,” Sharma said here when asked whether the negotiations can successfully be concluded before the India-EU Summit in October in Brussels.

Sharma, however, asserted that no “extraneous issues” can be brought in the agreement. New Delhi and its largest trading partner—EU—have been negotiating the market-opening pact since June 2007 to give a boost to their bilateral commerce of around USD 82 billion.
The 27-nation bloc is facing pressure from different groups for inclusion of extraneous issues like environment and child labour, which India is strongly opposed to.

“Issues are discussed, issues will always remain. We are very clear on our position...no extraneous issues can be brought into the India-EU trade and investment agreement,” said Sharma, who is leading a Ficci delegation to the Finnish capital.

Published 28 March 2010, 16:12 IST

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