<p>Mathura: Investors must rely on persons or institutions that are registered with the Securities Exchange Board of India (Sebi), a senior official of the regulator said on Monday.</p>.<p>"The information about authentic persons or institutions registered with Sebi is available on the website," Sebi Executive Director Manoj Kumar said while talking to reporters in Vrindavan on Monday at the beginning of the World Investor Week 2024.</p>.Indian markets gave better returns than China in last 5 yrs, says Sebi member.<p>"The information is also available on the website of the stock exchange, where trading of share market and 'Vayda Karobar (future trading)' is performed. Similarly, on the 'depositories website', information about depositories is available," he said.</p>.<p>The World Investor Week is being organised from October 14-20 across the globe.</p>
<p>Mathura: Investors must rely on persons or institutions that are registered with the Securities Exchange Board of India (Sebi), a senior official of the regulator said on Monday.</p>.<p>"The information about authentic persons or institutions registered with Sebi is available on the website," Sebi Executive Director Manoj Kumar said while talking to reporters in Vrindavan on Monday at the beginning of the World Investor Week 2024.</p>.Indian markets gave better returns than China in last 5 yrs, says Sebi member.<p>"The information is also available on the website of the stock exchange, where trading of share market and 'Vayda Karobar (future trading)' is performed. Similarly, on the 'depositories website', information about depositories is available," he said.</p>.<p>The World Investor Week is being organised from October 14-20 across the globe.</p>