
BDA-Bank make site purchase easier

An MoU between the two will provide one stop facility for aspiring buyers
Last Updated : 19 October 2010, 19:44 IST

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Under the MoU, henceforth, citizens can approach any branch of the Corporation Bank in the City to apply or make payments towards a site, under the BDA guidelines.

The financial transactions will include routing of compensation towards landowners, sale and acceptance of applications for sites by eligible citizens, installment payment towards the allocated sites, and other such activities. 

In two months

The facility which is to take shape in the next two months, will ensure that all services pertaining to BDA activities, will be routed through the Corporation Bank in the future. BDA Commissioner Bharath Lal Meena has not ruled out involvement of any other banking institutions in the course of time for the same, or better benefits to be provided to citizens.

Added transparency

The BDA Commissioner, speaking to the media, stated that the facility will bring about added transparency in the functioning of the Authority, apart from ensuring better functionality and focus on customer services.

“We have begun with the Corporation Bank in the initial stage, perhaps the MoU will now arouse interest among other banking institutions to provide the same or better benefits by having a tie-up with us,” Meena said.

As per the MoU, the Corporation Bank will further provide their banking services and information technology (IT) services to digitise the BDA records and provide the same to the citizens at kiosks to be installed in all Authority offices across the City.

“The kiosks will also act as an information centre, with the Corporation Bank offering to digitise our records with their back office facilities and provide them online. It will increase the transparency in our working,” the commissioner informed.

BDA embarks on houses for EWS

The Bangalore Development Authority has embarked upon building houses for the Economically Weaker Sections (EWS) at ten locations in and around Bangalore.
According to the BDA officials, tenders were floated in September for the first phase of construction on six acres at two locations.

As many as 656 houses will be constructed by the BDA in joint venture with a private player. The project is scheduled to be completed within 18 months.

The EWS housing project of the BDA began in 2006 during the coalition regime, but gained steam after four years. The officials were unable to explain the reason for the delay.

10 locations

Speaking at an event in the City, BDA Commissioner Bharath Lal Meena said the Authority would construct EWS quarters at 10 different locations subject to land availability.

In the first phase, the construction will be taken up on five acres in Volgerenhalli, Nagarbhavi and one acre in Nandini Layout, all owned by the BDA.

Each housing unit in Volgerenhalli will measure 386 sq feet, while those in Nandini Layout measure of 256 sq feet. In addition, the government has allotted 200 acres for the purpose.

Meena stated at present it was hard to project the exact number of houses to be constructed. “Currently, we are looking at the preparation of the Detailed Project Reports (DPR) at eight locations. We could arrive at the numbers after the DPR is finalised”, the Commissioner said. 

Published 19 October 2010, 19:43 IST

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