
Rana, Headley part of 26/11 terror team: US Federal Attorney

Last Updated : 04 May 2018, 02:03 IST

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"Evidences flatly contradicts the defense argument that Rana was not part of it. Rana and Headley were part of the same team," the attorney Vicky Peters said as the closing argument in the Rana case started.

"Rana knowingly conspired with Headley on terror plots, both Mumbai and Copenhagen. Rana was not fooled by Headley. Rana was not duped by Headley. Rana knew about the terror plots and helped him in carrying these terror plots and activities," he said.

Rana was indicted by a federal grand jury under 12 counts on February 15 last year for planning out the Mumbai attaccks, providing material support to LeT to carry out the bombings and guiding Headley in scouting targets in Mumbai.

If convcited, Rana, 50, faces a possible life sentence.Headley, a LeT operative, has admitted to 12 terrorism charges in March, 2010 after striking a deal with US prosecutors to avoid death penalty or extradition to India, Pakistan or Denmark to face related charges.

"In 2005 Headley told Rana that he was receiving training from Lashkar. There is no dispute that LeT is a designated terrorist organisation".

In 2006 Rana helped Headley open an immigration office even though he had no immigration experience.

Rana knew that Headley had other projects in India and was working with HuJI commander Iliyas Kashmiri and Sajid Mir, one the Pakistani handlers of Headley. Headley briefed Rana every time he came back from India.

Rana knew by May of 2008 of the Mumbai terrorist attack plan. Pakistani handlers knew that Rana was helping Headley in the terror endeavor," the attorney said.Rana who did not appear tense, greeted his attorneys and smiled at his wife Samraz who was seated in the courtroom. 

Published 07 June 2011, 14:47 IST

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