Congress general secretary Rahul Gandhi Thursday met President Pranab Mukherjee, a day after he had a meeting with Prime Minister Manmohan Singh. The two meetings take importance amid speculation of a possible cabinet reshuffle.
The meeting lasted for half an hour, an official at Rashtrapati Bhavan said.
Congress sources said the meeting was "routine".
Gandhi, 42, met Manmohan Singh Wednesday. That meeting also was described as "routine".
Both the prime minister and Congress president Sonia Gandhi held separate meetings with President Mukherjee Tuesday, triggerring speculation about imminent cabinet reshuffle at a time when the party is battling allegations of corruption against its leaders and members.
The Congress and the government are eager for a makeover with talks of early elections already doing the rounds. Also, the party wants to bring at its helm new and young faces to give it the much needed impetus, sources say.
Published 18 October 2012, 10:00 IST