
Must pick your thirst quenchers with care

Headache Horror
Last Updated : 19 June 2014, 15:14 IST

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How conscious we get when the scales on the weighing machine do not favour us! This spirals into cutting down on food, almost manically taking to a crash diet and avoiding everything that is usually branded junk or fast food.

While we are on it, have you wondered how often we feel dehydrated during summers, parched as we bear the unrelenting sun and downing cold drinks to quench our thirst.

While we know that carbonated or aerated drinks add to the calorie count, we hardly count those calories as we gulp litres and litres of juices, packaged drinks and squashes to stay cool and hydrated. Metrolife spoke to experts to know the effect of these thirst quenchers on our body.

“Packed squashes are not recommended as they contain preservatives and excess sugar, which contribute to empty calories. It is easy to drink a lot of calories without realising it.

Usually calories from such drinks do not leave you with a feeling of fullness and instead they make you crave for more sugary drinks within a short duration of time. This cycle can be a fat builder instead of thirst quencher,” explains Dr Lovneet Batra, Clinical Nutritionist, Fortis la Femme.

She recommends, “Water is a nutrient that your body needs. So, if you are not a fan of drinking plain water, take water to another level with simply infused water.

Make your own healthy, nutritious infused water with fresh fruit, herbs, raw veggies and spices and add subtle flavour and nutrition to your
hydration plan.”

Listing some interesting choices to prepare these concoctions, she recommends including “lemon, cherries, grapes, mint, basil, cinnamon to your drink or you can use different combinations to suit your palate.”

Abiding by the age-old homely traditions, Chef Rishi Verma from restaurant Sattviko, says, “Stick to your dadi ma ka mantra.... aam panna or a chilled glass of chhachh (butter milk), they are the best thirst quenchers, and at the same time take care of your health as well.”

And when you choose to pick up a packaged drink, or buy a quencher off the stalls, Rishi, says, “When buying fresh juices from the shelves always look for “100 per cent fresh juice” and always read the contents, as mostly all the tetra pack juices have less fruit content and more of sugar added to them.”

Emphasising the benefits of coconut water, Dr Loveneet, says, “Coconut water is another healthy option. It is low on the glycemic index (effect of food on blood sugar/ glucose levels), so it won’t dramatically affect your blood sugar.

It is excellent for maintaining electrolyte balance during hot sweaty summer and has anti-ageing; immunity boosting and cleansing effect. And it may also help in reducing the risk of heart disease.”

But she reminds, that “Once a coconut is cut open, the water should be consumed as exposure to air can result in loss of nutrients.”

Published 19 June 2014, 15:13 IST

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