
Citizens continue to dissent Lalbagh modification plans

Last Updated : 29 May 2010, 19:34 IST

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But, it looks it has understood the sentiments of the people.  Bangaloreans want the gardens to be left as it is if the government is in mood to spend money to provide basic facilities.

It looks Bangaloreans are not going to stop airing their dissent against the ‘grandiose’ plans of the government to ‘beautify’ the gardens until they get a clear assurance from the authorities.

Here are some excerpts from the mails Deccan Herald has received:

Let it stay
I do oppose the conversion of Lalbagh into an amusement park. Please let it stay the way it has been for the last few decades.

What a shame!
Bangaloreans must hang their heads in shame for voting a Government that is arrogant enough to neglect its voters demands, be it the Tagore Underpass, the Military War Memorial, Metro through MG road or changing Lalbagh into an amusement park. The government should focus on providing shelter to the flood ravaged victims of North Karnataka, providing good educational and medical facilities in the under-developed areas.
Rajesh, Sharadamba Nagar

Maintain status quo
Lalbagh should remain as a lung space with rich flora and fauna. It is beautiful as it is. Let the government think of maintaining the rich heritage of botanical gardens in the Lalbagh.
 Jayarathna G K

I record my dissent regarding development of this beautiful botanical gardens into an amusement park
 Dr  Vallath Nandini

Keep it pollution free
Lalbagh should be retained as it is at any cost to be pollution free. On flower show days itself it is cumbersome even to enter Lalbagh. Adding amusement events will attract  much more crowd.
The Sentosa island’s geography is entirely different from that of Lalbagh. Even at Sentosa the crowd is too much and difficult to maintain cleanliness inspite of Singapore being credited for it.
Venkatesh K R

leave it alone
For everyone's sake leave Lalbagh alone. It needs only trees!
 Janis Barker, Koramangala

Evil plan
I really don't feel that any changes should be made to Lalbagh. It is one of the richest cultural heritage of India. The idea of cutting trees just for the sake of amusement is evil.
Radhika Padia

No change
Lalbagh is the only green space left in bangalore. Please do not change its environment.
Meghana Shivananda        

city’s jewel
Plants and trees are the soul of Lalbagh. The original planners had that in mind.  It is indeed the crown jewel for the City.  Adding amusement to it will only bring visitors who have no interest in biodiversity. The character of the gardens will change for ever.

Spare it
Bangalore has already lost its greenery. At least Lalbagh should be spared with its little flora & fauna.
I Ramakrishna Rao                                                                                     

No alternative
Bangalore will be no more the same without our Lalbagh. It is a place where fresh air and greenery is available. Nothing else can compensate it.

More traffic
As it is the local government no longer allows any lung space to the city' in its planning any more!  What right does it have to take away the existing lung spaces?  Besides, wouldn't an amusement park create even more traffic congestion?  
V Raghnathan

Keep off
I strongly protest the ugly proposal of the government to ‘beautify’ the gardens. Let them see how a huge park like Hyde Park in London is left untouched. It is not the business of the government to provide amusement. Lalbagh and Cubbon Park belong to public.
Anil Kumar,
Richmond Road

Criminal act
Its shocking that the government has come up with this hare-brained idea of converting Lalbagh into an ugly amusement park.  We oppose this stupid idea. If the government is willing to spend crores of rupees on Lalbagh , let them plant more saplings, provide clean toilets and safe drinking water to the people who visit the gardens.
Chandrika Rao

Why copy?
Why are we so obsessed with copying other cities? Some years back, our Chief Minister vowed to turn Bangalore into Singapore. And now, we have people trying to turn Lalbagh into Sentosa Islands. Agreed, both these places are worth replicating but I would be very happy if Bangalore could be restored to its former glory of the early 80s. For that, we don't have to destroy the natural beauty of the city.
Sarita Bery, Jayanagar

Don’t tamper
Bangaloreans are proud of Lalbagh. I protest tampering with the natural beauty of it.
Kasturi Raghavendra

No changes
Rich flora and fauna should and must remain at Lalbagh.
Jaya Shetty Panth

Waste of money
Tranquillity is more important than fountains and laser shows. Amusements can be had in other locations, preferably outskirts of Bangalore. Don’t waste money and spoil Lalbagh. I oppose the plan.
Krishna Upadhya

More problem
We have very  few lung spaces left us to enjoy the beauty of nature. Temperature is increasing steadily. Cutting down more trees will only aggravate the problems around us.
Indu Jaiswal

Selfish move
After the Metro, now it is the turn of the horticulture department to take the responsibility of pulling down the trees. This is selfish and disgusting. Nature lovers should do everything to stop the proposal to replicate the Sentosa island at Lalbagh. Just leave the beautiful park alone, for God’s sake.
 Anup Dutt

Sheer destruction
Hats off to Deccan Herald for starting the debate on Lalbagh. It is heartening to see all the distraction right in front of our so called civilised eyes. Whatever is being planned in name of beautification is nothing but destruction.
Srirangarajan S

No plastic
We certainly can do without another one of those plastic and  metal theme parks. Lalbagh should remain the way it is. I would like my kid to see a 100 year old tree rather than some musical fountain.

No tree loss
Even as a teenager, I feel a sense of duty towards Lalbagh. It is one place which free from pollution. It should not lose trees. A fountain and a laser show will destroy the gardens.
I have made any appeal to the Chief Minister in this regard. Hope it will yield the desired results. People should unite to prevent the disaster.

Add more trees
I oppose the idea of construction of restaurants, parking lots and fountains at Lalbagh. Why commercialise it? Think of adding few more trees. Let it be just Lalbagh.
Mamatha Ninge Gowda

No commercialisation
Stop commercialising the only sane place - Lalbagh- in this mad city. People go to parks not to have food but to get some fresh air and peace. Collect more entry fee if you want money to maintain the gardens.
 Sanath Kumar

Preserve it
I am 15 and been living here from my birth. Lalbagh should be preserved as it is.

Turning Lalbagh into an amusement park is  senseless. Please keep it the way it is.
Jaya Sridhar

No blings
Instead of spending tax payers’ money on blings, let the government plant more saplings.  It is a place to relax and not a recreational park.
Pallavi Vittal

I am against the development project of Lalbagh
Pooja Sagar

Don’t mimic
There are several other ways to mimic Singapore like having better infrastructure and clean roads. Turning Lalbagh into amusement park does not turn Bangalore into a Singapore. First thing to go in the name of development are the poor trees because they cannot speak for themselves. Save Lalbagh.
Sree Aithal

Save Lalbagh

Fresh spot
Lalbagh is place to inhale fresh oxygen and enjoy greenery. The government need not copy the Sentosa island at Lalbagh without knowing the geological significance of it.
 S G Ramachandra

Joy for ever
As a senior citizen who has lived all through in Bengaluru, I do not wish a single leaf in Lalbagh to be disturbed. Let it be a joy for ever and everyone.
Raghavendra D R

Published 29 May 2010, 18:35 IST

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