
Artists join hands to protest against MSEZ

More than 20 artists paint on 40 metre-long canvas throughout the day
Last Updated : 19 June 2010, 16:10 IST
Last Updated : 19 June 2010, 16:10 IST

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The ‘Kuncha Kahale - Cry on the canvas’ was an unique way of protesting against MSEZ by these artists and their protest was transformed on canvas through acrylic paints. The canvas is three feet in height.

“We are not against development. We are opposing the forcible displacement of farmers,” said William Pais, who had conceptualised the idea of protest through painting.
“We can’t protest like others in front of the DC’s office. So we are protesting through our brush and canvas. If we all protest in whatever way we can, we will get justice,” opined Nemiraj Shetty, Director, Hasta Art Gallery.

Plans are on the anvil to take the canvas to Deputy Commissioner’s office premises to express solidarity with Gregory Patrao and his family who were coercively evicted from their land and house to make way for III phase of Mangalore Refineries and Petrochemicals Limited (MRPL) expansion works.

Artists Jeevan, Dinesh Holla, Ramakrishna Nayak, Willson D’Souza, Sapna Noronha, Vishwas M, Ravi M K, Jeevan Kadri, Rajendra Kedige, Santhosh Andrade, Nemiraj Shetty, Ganesh Somayaji, Kundan, Vasanth Rao, Reshma Shetty took part in the unique protest against MSEZ and expressed their feelings on the canvas.

The banner of Kuncha Kahale read “SEZ will invite big industries which are harmful to this highly ecologically sensitive region. The land, water and the natural resources of the region will be destroyed and the land will become dry.”

Earlier in the day, Sandesha Director Fr Valerian Mendonca inaugurated the Kuncha Kahale by trying his hand on the canvas. Catholic Sabha President Walter Pinto, Capt Vaz and Orchid Art Gallery Proprietor William Pais among others were present.

3rd day

Meanwhile, the protest being staged in front of DC’s office in support of Gregory Patrao entered third day on Saturday. The supporting organisations are staging protests one by one till their demands are fulfiled. It was the turn of Catholic Sabha on Saturday.

Published 19 June 2010, 16:10 IST

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