
Parent oneself

Last Updated : 15 July 2010, 15:17 IST

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Study successful people and you will find the recipe for success. Successful people are those whose energy is always on a solution for any given problem.

They are always a part of a solution and not a victim to a problem. It is said that 80% of their energy would be on finding a solution while 20% of their energy would be focused on the problem. This is how successful people manage a problem. They realise that a problem needs understanding but not worrying. Unsuccessful people are those who lack commitment, but focus on complaining.

One should educate oneself. This is known as self-parenting.

The opportunity is hidden in you. The intelligence to solve a problem is hidden in you, but you don't see it and miss the obvious.

Reflect on this story.Mullah Nazrudin was told by his wife to get four donkeys and she gave him four gold coins.

Mullah went to the market, bought four donkeys and sat on one of them and was coming back. As he was nearing his house, he realized that he was lost in his self-talk and wanted to make sure he had the four donkeys. He counted but there were only three as he missed counting the fourth donkey, on which he was seated.

He got worried. When he reached his home, his wife was waiting on the doorstep. Before she could open the mouth Mullah confessed, 'I know you told me to get four donkeys and since I was lost in my self talk, the fourth one is missing, so I could bring home only three donkeys'.

For the first time his wife smiled and said 'I don't see three donkeys but I see five donkeys'.

We miss the obvious. We have the intelligence in us and like Mullah we don't own what we have. Use this intelligence to solve problems.

Published 15 July 2010, 15:17 IST

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