
A brand new thrill

Last Updated : 25 July 2010, 12:00 IST

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This will highlight the global face of the Indian economy. This new symbol has generated a lot of debate among people. It is also being talked about and discussed extensively on all networking sites. All that one gets to see on these sites is the new symbol. The excitement and curiosity among the people is evident and they say that they can’t wait to see the project come through. Most people Metrolife spoke to say that it’s truly unique and that this would elicit respect from other nations

Indira Naresh

“The symbol generates a very ‘Indian’ feeling, which we can be proud of.  I feel that using ‘Rs’ shows the simplicity of the Indian. But I must say that the symbol brings in a level of sophistication. It would also elicit a lot of respect from people of other nations.” 

Bart Gomes
IT professional

“I am so excited by the new move. India is the new global financial powerhouse. The people's buying power has manifested itself. We will now have a new force to deal with. It’s a great move.” 

Biju Cherayath

“I am very excited to have an original rupee symbol. Being an artist, somehow having a make shift English abbreviation for the rupee  did not have any visual appeal. But, now I feel we are moving towards an international look and feel for the rupee.”

Nisha Abdulla
Retail consultant

“The new symbol is a great blend of traditional design and global appeal. I’m not so sure whether the symbol itself is necessary. Does it really matter that we enter this elite

group? We have much more stronger ways to peddle soft power – making our language and dances accessible to the global public would suffice.” 

Ashwin Nayak
Ad film-maker

“It’s a great step toward a global appeal. I just hope the authorities synchronise the action with the logo. It has generated a lot of excitement among the people. I am an optimist I just hope there’s no delay in implementation.”

Published 25 July 2010, 11:53 IST

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