
'Guns and Roses' accused of plagiarism

Last Updated : 08 October 2009, 06:05 IST
Last Updated : 08 October 2009, 06:05 IST

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Record companies Independiente and Domino have filed a lawsuit against the band and their label, Universal Music Group, claiming a track from 'Chinese Democracy' copies portions of two songs by German electronic star Ulrich Schnauss, reported Sun online.

According to legal papers filed, the labels are seeking USD 1 million in damages for using Ulrich's tunes 'Wherever You Are' and 'A Strangely Isolated Place' without permission on the track 'Riad N' The Bedouins'.

Their case focuses on 45 seconds of ambient soundscapes that form the introduction to the guitar-led song. The impending court battle is sure to upset band members including legendary rocker Axl Rose, who spent more than a decade working on the album which was panned by critics and ignored by the record-buying public upon its release last November.

Published 08 October 2009, 06:04 IST

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