
On the Book Rack

Consider these titles, a mix of fiction and non-fiction, for your next read
Last Updated : 19 January 2019, 19:30 IST

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Ahmed Faiyaz
Rupa, 2018, pp 196, Rs 290
When a jobless editor in the UK is asked to infuse life into a dying magazine in India, he sees an impossible task in publishing five bestsellers, failing which the business would
wind up. He also finds himself working with a motley crowd of misfits in the publishing house.

Uncertain journeys
Edited by A S Panneerselvan
Speaking Tiger, 2018, pp 200, Rs 283
In this are essays by 11 journalists who explore the lived realities of migrant workers from South Asia — their aspirations, fears and dreams, how global forces determine their freedom etc. It also asks questions about nature and the costs of labour migration.

S Venkatesh
Treeshade Books, 2018, pp 343, Rs 263
In this, a forgotten legend from the upper reaches of the Himalayas unfolds with an onimous event raising its head. Only three people have a clue about what’s going on. And the only hope for survival lies buried deep in the remotest corner of the mountain range.

We are displaced
Malala Yousafzai
Hachette, 2019, pp 224, Rs 299
Part memoir, part communal storytelling, Malala not only explores her own story of adjusting to a new life while longing for home, but she also shares the personal stories of some of the
incredible girls she has met on her various journeys.

A Patchwork Family
Mukta Sathe
Speaking Tiger, 2018, pp 150, Rs 299
Young Janaki is eager to serve the cause of justice as a lawyer. Her only confidant is Ajoba, an elderly friend of her grandfather’s, who supported her throughout her childhood. So together, they struggle to create a family, patched together, but stronger for it.

Queen of the World
Robert Hardman
Pegasus, 2019, pp 368, Rs 2,000
The monarch never ventured further than the Isle of Wight until the age of 20, but since then has now visited over 130 countries in the line of duty, acting as diplomat, hostess and dignitary as the world stage has changed beyond recognition. It is a story full of drama, of Queen Elizabeth.

The Water Cure
Sophie Mackintosh
Hamish Hamilton, 2018, pp 256, Rs 479
This is the story of Grace, Lia and Sky, kept apart from the world for their own good and taught the terrible things that every woman must learn about love. And it is the story of the men
who come to find them — three strangers washed up by the sea.

How to Date Men When You Hate Men
Blythe Roberson
Flatiron Books, 2019, pp 288, Rs 1,243
This book hopes to be a one-stop shop for dating advice. It’s aimed at interrogating what it means to date men within the trappings of modern society. The author’s observational humour is met by her open-hearted willingness to engage in dating.

Published 19 January 2019, 19:30 IST

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