
Horoscope Feb 9-15

Horoscopes for the week from Feb 9-15.
Last Updated : 08 February 2020, 18:45 IST
Last Updated : 08 February 2020, 18:45 IST

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Aries: The individuals born under this sign of the zodiac are likely to find themselves getting more ambitious. There could be an opportunity to have more than one source of income and you are tempted. There may be also distraction because of relationships. You may consider making a long term commitment. Some of the Aries born individuals may find themselves increasingly drawn towards stocks, shares and speculative activity. You may spend significant time trying to learn about it.

Taurus: The Taurus born individuals can expect life to become a lot more hectic and demanding. There is increased activity on the professional front but there could be multiple processes, steps and clearances that create delays. You may experience some anxiety because of the uncertainty. You may have to handle increased expenditure as well expectations from loved ones. Do pay attention to your health.

Gemini: This is a phase that calls for attention towards establishing a better routine – achieving a proper work-life balance. You are more perceptive to the needs of your loved ones and may take out time for them – it is important to make amends where there’s been hurt. You also need to be mindful of the way you communicate – harsh words or being dismissive may damage equations. Short distance travel is possible. Seasonal ailments could bother.

Cancer: This could be a really nice phase for the Cancer born individuals. Work moves on an even pace and you may have adjusted to the changes that have been affected recently. There is greater focus on your own mental well-being and a desire to be fit and have an attractive appearance. Most of the Cancer born folk struggle in their relationship with food and this is a period where you may have a great insight or breakthrough. Heartfelt conversations with siblings are likely.

Leo: This period could bring significant gratification for the Leo born individuals. There is rise on the professional front. There is some achievement for which a notable honour may be received. You experience joy as well as satisfaction. You may be keen to set a long term goal into motion- especially on relating to construction of house or starting an education fund. It will be better to take a good look at your existing liabilities before making a monetary commitment.

Virgo: The coming week could be slightly difficult for the Virgos to manage emotionally. There is restlessness and you may be quite sensitive. The plight of the underdogs and sufferings could have you empathising deeply. Association with a larger cause and community work appeals to you. Do be careful not to make big commitments about assistance of any kind in a sway of emotions. A balanced head on the shoulders would be the greatest asset in this phase.

Libra: The individuals born under this sign of the zodiac are likely to have a slightly different but good week in the sense that you are quite tuned into being a better human being and fulfilling the higher purpose in your life. At the top of your agenda will be your professional life but equally important is the intent to do good, contribute actively to the society and develop a spiritual routine. You display greater patience, empathy and respect for others. Savings may prove to be difficult during this phase.

Scorpio: The coming week is all about getting your balance right and stopping for a bit, to take stock of the situation. You may have gone through a lot and felt that you been given a raw deal for quite some time. However, things are poised for a change now, beginning with your professional life. There could be an opportunity offered but you are sceptical. You may need to put the fears away and stick your neck out a bit. Playing defensive isn’t always the best strategy. You may also embrace yoga or meditation to steady your mind and health.

Sagittarius: The individuals born under this sign of Sagittarius get to meet quite a lot of people, travel as well as explore their hidden potential. You may be particularly brave and ambitious during this period. You look at new ways to augment your income and consider collaborating with people you have not worked with before, but simply because it feels right. There are social dos as well. There could be great temptation to walk into a new relationship but it will be better to do a reality check rather than get swept away momentarily.

Capricorn: The Capricorn individuals are likely to be preoccupied with work related concerns - there is tremendous pressure to achieve certain targets. The other possibility is also that there could be tremendous resistance from within you that makes things appear difficult. You may need to identify where the problem lies and Get into the correction mode. There may be work-related travel, time taken up by creation of documents and addressing legal concerns as well. There is status elevation and gain of the new project as well.

Aquarius: It is a good week for work related matters - you are able to close an important deal and this may take your confidence to another level. A positive deal during this time could ensure significant money inflow in the near future. Some of the Aquarius born individuals may be able to land a dream job or one that promises satisfaction as well as better remuneration. There may be a niggling fear at the back of your mind and this could affect your sleep. It is important to pay attention to your own health.

Pisces: The Pisces born individuals may experience a deep sense of gratitude towards everyone and their environment. There are personal insights as well as sense of awareness of responsibility. You may take some inner vows of putting your best foot forward. There are financial obligations that need to be met and debts to be cleared. You go about making a list of priorities and address each one systematically. A new spiritual practice may be embraced, bringing much peace and relaxation.

Published 08 February 2020, 18:38 IST

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