Hyderabad: Andhra Pradesh police have ordered an inquiry into reports that a false case has been foisted against a Mumbai-based actress Kadambari Jethwani in February this year. Vijayawada police commissioner on Thursday evening appointed CCS ACP Sravanthi Roy to probe into the incident and submit a report at the earliest.
Fingers are being pointed at two IPS officers who allegedly showed keen interest in registering a case against Kadambari upon a complaint lodged by YSRCP leader Kukkala Vidyasagar. Vidyasagar had accused Jethwani of duping him over a property.
Following the complaint, an IPS officer and a team flew to Mumbai, after which they brought the actor and her parents to Vijayawada. The actress claimed that they confined her to a guest house for three days before shifting her to remand.
After almost a month in remand, the actress was later released on bail and then allowed to go back to Mumbai. The actress at the centre of this controversy is also the one who filed a complaint against a well-known industrialist from Mumbai in December of last year, alleging rape. Interestingly, after she had returned to Mumbai from Vijayawada in March, the Mumbai police filed a closure report on the case inolving the industrialist citing that Jethwani did'nt turn up to record her statement.
The Mumbai Police filed a closure report in the rape case against the Mumbai-based industrialist on March 18, concluding that the complainant attempted to frame him. The police presented a closure report to the Bandra Metropolitan Magistrate Court, declaring the allegations of rape against him as “false”.
Jethwani filed the case at the BKC police station in December 2023, alleging that the industrialist raped her in a penthouse atop his company's office in January 2022. According to Mumbai Police's closure report, the woman filed the case long after the alleged incident and failed to submit any evidence to corroborate her claims. The closure report added that the complainant didn't appear before the police to record her statement.
“Police misbehaved with me during the custody. Vijayawada police subjected my father to severe humiliation and physical abuse, resulting in injuries to his ear,” Kadambari told a Telugu TV channel. She also added that YSRCP leader Vidya Sagar used to harass and torture her by sending unsolicited nude pictures of himself.
Published 29 August 2024, 13:29 IST