
Delhi police add 3 new charges against Alt News co-founder Mohammed Zubair

Zubair was arrested by the Delhi Police on June 27 for allegedly hurting religious sentiments through one of his tweets
Last Updated : 02 July 2022, 06:01 IST
Last Updated : 02 July 2022, 06:01 IST

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The Delhi Police on Saturday added three new Sections—201 (for the destruction of evidence - formatted phone & deleted tweets), 120-(B) (for criminal conspiracy) of IPC and 35 of FCRA—against Alt news co-founder Mohammed Zubair

The police alleged conspiracy and the destruction of evidence in the case and that the accused received donations from foreign countries.

A bail application has been filed by the counsel for Zubair in the Delhi High Court.

Zubair was arrested by the Delhi Police on June 27 for allegedly hurting religious sentiments through one of his tweets and was sent to one-day police custody by the trial court on the same day.

After being produced on the expiry of his one-day custodial interrogation, his custody was extended by another four days by the Chief Metropolitan Magistrate (CMM).

More to follow...

Published 02 July 2022, 05:56 IST

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