New Delhi: Delhi Minister Saurabh Bharadwaj on Tuesday alleged the health department submitted in the high court an affidavit that contained false information and without his knowledge.
Addressing a press conference, Bharadwaj alleged a huge conspiracy and said he would write to the law department on the issue.
The Delhi High Court is hearing a petition regarding ICU beds in hospitals. A committee has been formed under Dr Sarin to suggest ways to improve health facilities in Delhi, he said.
"On May 24, the court asked about the steps taken by the government on the recommendations of the Sarin committee. To my surprise, the health department submitted an affidavit without even my knowledge," he charged.
The affidavit was submitted via the services department, he claimed.
"I have been writing letters and sending data for months to the chief secretary about the huge shortage of medicines at hospitals and Mohalla Clinics. Despite this, they gave an affidavit approved by the health secretary in the high court that all the medicines were available," he charged.
This is a conspiracy to submit lies in the court so that it makes an adverse observation, he alleged.
"I am writing to the law department for strict action against the health secretary for submitting wrong facts and misleading the court," he added.
Published 06 August 2024, 10:57 IST