New Delhi: Some officials of the health department have written to minister Saurabh Bharadwaj flagging alleged lack of funds and delays in implementing projects and said that sending "multiple notes" will only lead of to wastage of manhours.
Responding to the letter, Bharadwaj called the claims made "misleading".
In the letter, the officials wrote that Bharadwaj had sent them multiple notes regarding the non-availability of medicines, and equipment, overcrowding of hospitals, poor maintenance, and lack of cleanliness.
"In the larger interest of the citizens of Delhi, we look forward to work constructively and resolve the core issues... instead of working to address the symptoms," the letter read.
The officers flagged multiple issues including delay in the construction of 11 greenfields and 13 brownfield hospital projects by over three years leading up to a 100 per cent cost escalation.
Despite a total cost of Rs 8,000 crore required for completing these projects, only Rs 400 crore had been budgeted in the 2024-25 financial year, the letter noted.
They urged him to use his high office to find ways to increase the budget of the department by almost doubling the same to ensure completion of all the badly delayed projects for the benefit of citizens of Delhi, the letter read.
The officials further claimed that the department has regularly mooted the idea of consolidated monthly remuneration (equivalent to Junior Residents/Staff working in GNCTD) for Aam Aadmi Mohalla Clinics as "in spite of higher expenditure and shorter working hours AAMCs are not providing preventive care like - immunization/pre-natal/post-natal etc".
They also advised the minister to decide on the issue of PM Ayushman Bharat Health Infrastructure Mission (ABHIM) to augment the resources to improve the health infrastructure and to provide seamless treatment to the citizens. They said that Delhi has not been able to avail of the financial assistance of Rs 2,406 crores from the centre under PM ABHIM due to delays in necessary approvals.
They further urged the minister to implement the PMJAY Ayushman Bharat Scheme for the benefit of the migrant population of Delhi and said, "Tragically Delhi is among only three states, throughout the country which has not implemented PMJAY".
"Without deciding upon these crucial issues, sending multiple notes to take action will only lead to wastage of manhours of the officials in the department and divert the health personnel from core work leading to poor service delivery and monitoring," it read.
Responding to the charges, Bharadwaj called the information in the letter "misleading".
"Facts have been misrepresented by hiding vital information, and publishing such misinformation and an untruthful note will lead to legal consequences," he said.
He added, "I don't think this behavior and conduct is expected from Civil Servants. All the issues mentioned in this note have been dealt with in detail by the undersigned in various files and meetings."
He further directed the officers to place all the true factual positions on the file and, send it to him on urgent basis.