New Delhi: Delhi Mayor Shelly Oberoi directed MCD Commissioner Ashwani Kumar on Friday to launch an inquiry into an infant's death at the civic body-run Kasturba Hospital in Old Delhi allegedly caused by a power backup failure during a planned shutdown.
"One media report indicates that an infant has unfortunately died due to non-availability of power backup, during a planned shutdown at the Kasturba Hospital on August 22," an order issued to the commissioner read.
"You are requested to immediately set up an inquiry to get to the root of the matter and identify the cause of this most unfortunate incident so that we can initiate action accordingly," Oberoi said in the order.
The incident came to the fore after several social media users claimed that on Thursday, there was a power outage for some time at the Kasturba Hospital during which two newborns were allegedly delivered under torchlight. One of the newborns died during this time, they added.
Denying the allegations of deliveries taking place under torchlight, the MCD said, "Power backup was available at the OT of the hospital. A total of three deliveries took place in Kasturba Hospital, out of which two deliveries took place in daylight and one in the evening, by then the power supply in the hospital had been restored. The corporation denies the fact that deliveries took place under torchlight."
On the child's death, the civic body said, "After delivery, the infant was not breathing, so he was kept on a ventilator in the NICU and his parents were being informed about his health condition." "The power backup of the ventilators of the NICU was working continuously. After being on the ventilator for five days, the child unfortunately died due to his illness," it added.
According to an official, the MCD issued a circular on August 21, informing about a planned power cut at the hospital from 1 pm to 4 pm and asked all departments to make necessary arrangements.
Published 23 August 2024, 19:49 IST