
Hungarian national robbed by bike-borne men in Delhi

The incident took place around 3 pm on Oct 8 when the woman was going from Humayun's Tomb to the Hungarian embassy, police said.
Last Updated : 09 October 2023, 06:27 IST
Last Updated : 09 October 2023, 06:27 IST

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A 57-year-old Hungarian national travelling in an autorickshaw was robbed by two motorcycle-borne men in south Delhi's Lodhi Colony, police said on Monday.

The incident took place around 3 pm on Sunday when the woman was going from Humayun's Tomb to the Hungarian embassy, they said.

"As soon as the autorickshaw reached near Dayal Singh College, two men came on a motorcycle from behind and snatched the woman's bag containing her mobile phone, Rs 12,000 cash and bank cards," a senior officer said.

The woman could not take note of the registration number of the motorcycle. Police visited the spot after a complaint was received regarding the incident, the officer said.

A case has been registered under sections 356 (assault or criminal force in attempt to commit theft) and 379 (theft) of the Indian Penal Code and an investigation is underway to nab the culprits, police said.

Published 09 October 2023, 06:27 IST

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