
Highlights: Befitting reply given to those eyeing India's territory, says PM Modi in 66th Mann Ki Baat address

Last Updated : 28 June 2020, 07:58 IST
Last Updated : 28 June 2020, 07:58 IST

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Prime Minister Narendra Modi addressed the 66th edition of his monthly radio talk 'Mann Ki Baat' on June 28 at 11 am.

In his address, he touched upon a whole host of issues ranging from coronavirus and the lockdown, the India-China border and India's defence, among other things. PM Modi also paid homage to former Prime Minister PV Narasimha Rao in the commencement of his birth centenary year.

Here are some of the things that he mentioned:

** The world has seen India's strength and commitment to protecting its sovereignty and borders; in Ladakh, a befitting reply has been given to those eyeing our territories. While the corona crisis still looms large, the country is faced with further challenges - cyclone Amphan, cyclone Nisarg, locust attack, minor quakes; amid all this, the country is combating with what is being perpetrated by our neighbours.

** India knows how to maintain friendship, but it can look someone in the eye and retaliate; our bravehearts have shown that they won't let any harm be done to Mother India. Our effort should be towards making the country stronger and self-reliant - this will be the real tribute to our martyrs. If you buy local, be 'Vocal For Local', then you are doing your role to make the country strong - this is also a type of service to the nation.

** India's resolve is to protect its self-respect and sovereignty India's goal is Atma Nirbhar Bharat India's tradition is trust and friendship India's spirit is fraternity.

** Half the year is over. These days, people are commonly talking about one thing - when will 2020 end. They feel it has been a year of many challenges. 2020 shouldn't be blamed for the hurdles, we need to keep moving forward. We shall all move forward together, and the days to come will be even more positive, we will not only do better in this year i.e. 2020, but we will move forward and the country will touch new heights.

** Now the country is in 'unlock' phase; two things are most important during this time - defeating corona and giving strength to economic activity.

** During the unlock period, we have to stay more vigilant compared to the lockdown period. Only your alertness can save you from corona. Hence, I urge all countrymen…and I repeatedly do so…do not be negligent…take care of yourself and others.

** Many things that were kept 'locked' for decades are being 'unlocked'; allowing commercial mining will change the situation. If you glance at our agricultural sector, you will notice that many aspects of this sector too were in a state of lockdown for decades. This sector too has now been unlocked. Just a few days ago, historic reforms in the space sector were brought in. Through these reforms, the sector which was in a state of lockdown for years was set free.

** Coronavirus has definitely changed the way we live. The entire world is focused on increasing their immunity at this time, and these immunity-enhancing ingredients are linked with our country.

** If there would not have been a crisis like coronavirus, we might have not pondered questions like 'what is life?' 'why is there life?' 'How is our life?'

** Before independence, in the realm of the defence sector, our country was ahead of many countries in the world. There used to be a multitude of ordnance factories. Many countries that lagged behind us then, are ahead of us now.

Published 28 June 2020, 05:04 IST

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