
I am not afraid of CBI: Raja

Last Updated : 20 December 2010, 08:05 IST
Last Updated : 20 December 2010, 08:05 IST

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"I am not afraid of CBI.I am a lawyer. As a lawyer, I will abide by the law. I will not evade the law," Raja told reporters here.

Dismissing as "rubbish" reports that he had applied for anticipatory bail, he said, "I am not an accused and there is no question of my applying for an anticipatory bail".

Maintaining that he has been cooperating with the CBI in its probe, he said, "CBI knows that Raja had been extending co-operation to it.I am a lawyer and I know what is law."
The CBI has sent a notice to Raja to appear before it for questioning in connection with the scam as also others including corporate lobbyist Niira Radia.

Raja was served notice at his residence to appear before the agency for questioning.On Prime Minister Manmohan Singh's statement at the Congress plenary session today that "no guilty person will be spared", Raja said he was not competent to comment on that.
About his meeting with the DMK chief M Karunanidhi on Saturday, he said, "It was a meeting between a leader and a cadre. It is natural that cadre meet its leader".
Raja had earlier in the day undergone a routine health checkup. 

Published 20 December 2010, 06:09 IST

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