
Interactive | How parties fared in 2017 Himachal Pradesh polls

The state which has swung between BJP and Congress gave a sound majority to BJP with 44 seats
Last Updated : 08 November 2022, 09:41 IST
Last Updated : 08 November 2022, 09:41 IST

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With the political battle intensifying every passing day, for the 68 Assembly seats in Himachal Pradesh, it's time to look at what the results were like in the 2017 assembly elections.

The state - which has swung between BJP and Congress - gave a sound majority to BJP with 44 seats and Congress won 21 seats. Out of the remaining three, one was won by CPM and two seats were won by Independent candidates.

Around 338 candidates contested in the 2017 assembly elections in Himachal Pradesh with only 19 women candidates.

The highlights of the results were that BJP’s chief ministerial candidate, Prem Kumar Dhumal, lost from the Sujanpur constituency and the late former chief minister of the state - Virbhadra Singh - won with a margin of 6000 votes.

The state witnessed the highest voter turnout at 74 per cent breaking its last record of 74.51 per cent in 2003. The BJP managed to gain the highest vote share at 48.8 per cent. Congress got 41.7 per cent of the vote share.

Published 04 November 2022, 11:20 IST

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