
Adventure bike rental business gaining momentum in Kashmir

What led to the emergence of the bike rental business is the new trend of hiking and exploring new places among the GenZ.
Last Updated : 24 October 2023, 05:54 IST
Last Updated : 24 October 2023, 05:54 IST

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Srinagar: As adventure tourism in Kashmir is gaining momentum, trekking equipment and bike rentals are new lucrative business models in the Valley.

Adventure tourists, who arrive in Kashmir, are seen riding high-end bikes to explore virgin tourist spots like Gurez. Among them, a group of bikers from different corners of the country have been frequently making their way to the Valley.

After reaching Kashmir, their epic journey often concludes with a return trip from Leh in Ladakh to Delhi via Manali, leaving them captivated by the natural beauty they witnessed along the way.

These adventurous bikers have been drawn to the scenic allure of Kashmir, a region renowned for its breathtaking vistas, beautiful lakes, and majestic mountains.

What led to the emergence of the bike rental business is the new trend of hiking and exploring new places among the GenZ. As they traverse the winding roads, they find themselves surrounded by a visual feast of lush green valleys and snow-capped peaks.

Faisal Mir, founder of ‘Kashmir Travelogue,’ forayed into the bike rental business in 2016 and there has been no looking back since then.

“We offer bikes, particularly Royal Enfield, and scooters, which are good for off-road and road trips. We have a good demand and most tourists including foreigners hire them to explore the valley. There is a thrill in two-wheeled exploration,” he said and added that in the last four years demand for his service has grown by more than 60 per cent.

Mir said they remain in touch with clients “so that they don’t face any problems during their trip in Kashmir, Leh, or Manali.”

A group of bikers, who recently undertook this expedition, while sharing their amazement,  said they witnessed the picturesque places in the Valley.

“This is my first trip to Kashmir, and I am amazed by the beauty of the Valley. We plan to travel to Ladakh, then Manali, and later Delhi along with my bike group,” said a bike tourist from Delhi.

Another biker said it offers a different set of challenges and vistas, with the rugged terrain of the Himalayas providing a stark contrast to the serene beauty of Kashmir.

Published 24 October 2023, 05:54 IST

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