New Delhi: The National Investigation Agency (NIA) on Wednesday conducted searches at two locations in Jharkhand's Khunti district in a PLFI extortion and terror racket case.
Premises of suspects connected with proscribed splinter naxal outfit People’s Liberation Front of India (PLFI) were searched by NIA teams, and several digital devices and incriminating documents were seized, a statement issued by the probe agency said.
The case relates to extortion of money from various coal traders, transporters, railway contractors and businessmen by the PLFI cadre in Jharkhand, Bihar, Chhattisgarh and Odisha.
PLFI members had also conspired to commit various terrorist activities, including murders, arson and violent attacks, with an aim to create terror in society, especially among businessmen and contractors, the statement said.
Published 07 August 2024, 11:50 IST