Bengaluru: In a major crackdown against drink-driving, the Bengaluru Traffic Police (BTP) on Monday booked 26 school bus drivers out of 3,676 school buses and vans checked across the city for driving under the influence.
This is the highest number of drivers booked in a single drive this year and marks the fourth such operation.
The previous drive, held a month ago, resulted in 23 drivers being caught under the influence. So far, this year, a total of 72 drivers have been booked for drink-driving, raising concerns among parents about the safety of their children.
Reshma, a parent from RR Nagar whose son is in class 7, expressed her worry. "While it might not be obvious in large school buses, children packed into smaller vans sometimes complain about smelling alcohol on the drivers."
She said additional safety measures are needed. "Having a helper on board and installing mandatory CCTVs inside the buses are essential. Parents cannot check if drivers are drunk, so schools must ensure checks are done before buses leave their premises every morning."
Ashish, a parent from Electronics City, noted that many schools use contract services, which complicates direct supervision. "Ultimately, the responsibility for children's safety lies with the schools. They need to establish procedures to prevent such issues," he said.
The drivers booked are charged under Section 185 of the Motor Vehicles Act, and their driving licences have been sent to the respective regional transport offices for suspension.
Special drives against drink-driving in school buses
• August 5
Vehicles checked: 3,676
Drivers booked: 26
• July 9
Vehicles checked: 3,016
Drivers booked: 23
• February 22
Vehicles checked: 2,059
Drivers booked: 7
• January 23
Vehicles checked: 3,414
Drivers booked: 16
Traffic violations report
On Sunday, the East Division traffic police registered 2,127 cases of various violations, including wrong-side driving, footpath parking and failure to wear helmets or seat belts. A total of Rs 10,63,500 was collected in fines.
Published 07 August 2024, 21:38 IST